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Solution Overview Wireless & Contactless Transport Track Systems
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Wireless & Contactless Communication on Conveying Systems is crucial for creating fully automated, innovative, and competitive machine design not possible before, for packaging,  assembly, logistics, and material handling.



·Support multiple product and package variations on a single machine with automatic changeover  and maximum flexibility.


·Sustainable & cost-effective design reduces external automation equipment and machine  footprint, energy consumption and number of machines.


·Reduce time to market for applying new product/package designs.

·Increase ROI by maximizing machine throughput and utilization.




·Vendor agnostic--compatible with any transport track system, such as ATS, B&R, Rockwell  Automation and Schneider Electric.


·Multiple devices--a combination of sensors and actuators on a single mover.


·Device agnostic--converts any IO-Link, Digital or Analog device to IO-Link Wireless.


·Scalability--supports hundreds of wireless devices on a single machine.


·Unrivaled performance--cable-grade reliability without trading off speed.


Key Functionalities


Enable Transport Track Systems Do More


Wireless communication on the mover enables devices (e.g., grippers, pumps, valves) to perform actions while in motion. 

By wirelessly controlling these, the reliance on external equipment, such as robots and delta robots, is eliminated, enabling the flexible processing of diverse products/packages through a seamless and uninterrupted high-speed workflow.


Eliminate Manual Changeover


·Traditional solutions require manual changeover and dedicated/custom tools per product size and form factor-all of which are eliminated by using IO-Link Wireless.


·Real-time wireless control for continuous actuation while in high-speed motion enables changing multiple product types (shape, size, material) on the fly.


·Variety of devices can be supported on each mover (e.g. gripper, pump, valve, servo motor).


Adaptive and Flexible Pick & Place


·Independent control of each mover allows to change package variations while in constant motion without  external robotics.


·Wireless control of devices, such as servo motors, on the movers enables the adjustment of product orientation  during motion.


Wireless Condition Monitoring


·Analysis of data collected wirelessly from the moving components improves quality, reduces waste, increases  speed, and prevents unplanned downtime.


·Multiple sensors (e.g., vibration, vacuum, load cell) connected wirelessly on each mover enable predictive  maintenance and increased visibility.


Case Study


Rotzinger Packaging Machine


Profile: Rotzinger, a Swiss group of companies, with a mission to continuously optimize product flow for its customers, offers first-class solutions, services, and software for a variety of industries such as pharmaceuticals & cosmetics and food & beverage.




·Rotzinger was asked by a leading food manufacturer to develop an adaptive secondary food packaging machine that meets very high demands of throughput along with the ability to support multiple package and product variations, all on a single machine.


·The machine is based on a multi-carrier smart conveyer system which requires doing actions on products while in constant high-speed motion.


·Cables were not a possible option for such a complex and high-speed task, nor were conventional wireless solutions.




·By utilizing CoreTigo's IO-Link Wireless based products  which are designed specifically for wireless control and monitoring in factory automation, Rotzinger can now wirelessly control grippers on the movers.


·TigoBridge, an IO-Link Wireless Bridge, was added to enable seamless wireless control of the grippers, both mounted on each mover.


·Power is supplied to the Bridges and Grippers by Vahle's contactless power supply system.




·Adaptive - Full flexibility to support multiple product types  (support for different product sizes can be automatically  adjusted per mover) and package types (one, two, three or  more primary product packages per secondary package).


·Reduced changeover time – eliminate manual  changeovers.


·Machine footprint reduction - reduce additional external  robots, cables, or other types of equipment.


·Sustainable - less energy, space and parts need to be  used within a machine.


·Handle small batches efficiently - decreased number of  machines, as the solution allows for one machine to  handle various products and package designs.